Affairs of the Heart
The Life and Music of Marjan Mozetich
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About the Film
Running Time: 67 minutes | Genre: Documentary
Affairs of the Heart: The Life and Music of Marjan Mozetich is a documentary film that explores the challenges and triumphs of famed Canadian classical music composer, Marjan Mozetich, with glimpses into his interior world spanning the vast reaches of the heavens and the dark depths of the human heart. His most well-known work, Affairs of the Heart, captivated Canadian radio listeners when it premiered depicting joys and sorrows, pain and bliss. The film features his life story while presenting his catalogue of music to the audience through performances by world-renowned musicians.
Directed By: Jamie Day Fleck
Produced By: Jamie Day Fleck & Jim Fleck
Production Company: FLECK Productions
Cinematographer: Perry Walker
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